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Nastassia Harbuzova
Doctoral researcher at R. Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, TalTech (Tallinn, Estonia). I conduct a comparative study on policy learning and policy change potentials of the three job-guarantee pilot programs that differently impement and institutionalize this idea, namely: Kinofelis Ergasia (Greece), Zero Long-Term Unemployment Territory (Territoires Z´ero Chˆomeur de Longue Dur´ee, TZCLD, France), and the MAGMA Job Guarantee (Modellprojekt Arbeitsplatzgarantie Marienthal, Austria). Specifically, I investigate to what extent and how the institutional/governance design of the policy pilots affects a) the lessons learnt from them and b) the prospects for scaling up and permanent adoption of the policy in case of its pilot success. The study relates to the research project PRG1125 "Experimental approaches and institutional innovations in the domains of fiscal and financial policy" funded by the Estonian Research Council.
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